Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 18 of "30 Days of Dance" at the Brooklyn Museum

It is Day 18 of my self-emposed marathon of "30 Days of Dance". Today I went to dance at Target First Saturdays at the Brooklun Museum. DJ Herbert Holler from the Freedom Party was the resident dj and it was a blast! I danced my ass off!

"30 Days of Dance: Love Yourself, Love Your Body, Love Your Life...Dance!"

That's the motto of my marathon. and that's what I want to do. I want to love myself, love my body, love my life and express it all through dancing.

I had such a great time tonite dancing! My good friend and hilarious comedian HADIYAH ROBINSON danced with me tonite and well as my buddy TIA RUDD.

There were over 3,000 ppl dacing lat night! I entered one of the the dance battle circles and I shut it down!!!